
Disney Wedding Cake Toppers – Be a Little More Than Traditional

Traditional cake toppers are pretty much a thing of the past these days. Most brides just choose a monogram, some heart shape dolls, or flowers (real or sugar) to top their cakes.

But If you really wanted something a little more traditional, maybe Disney theme wedding cake topper would be a good choice. When I first started looking for cake toppers, our honeymoon plans were to head to Disney, since these options seemed cute and beautiful.

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The precious moments one reminded me too much of my Communion statues, so that was out. And the wedding Mickey and Minnie? I just couldn’t see it for some reason… I thought maybe it was because it was so “bridal”. That’s when I came across these:

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The boat is so different, and it was actually Mr. Burger’s favorite, but in the end it was a little too big (like 8 inches long!). For me, well I just couldn’t get enough of the teacup! It’s so adorable, and even able to be personalized! I loved it. In my mind, I was convinced that this would be our cake topper, and that it would be able to be displayed in our future home for years - reminding us not only of our wedding day, but also our honeymoon!